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Nuxt supports different rendering modes, universal rendering, client-side rendering but also offers hybrid-rendering and the possibility to render your application on CDN Edge Servers.

By default, Nuxt uses universal rendering to provide better user experience, performance and to optimize search engine indexing.

Both the browser and server can interpret JavaScript code to turn Vue.js components into HTML elements. This step is called rendering.

生成HTML的过程就是 render

universal rendering

the Client (browser) loads the JavaScript code that runs on the Server in the background once the HTML document has been downloaded

根据官方的解释,之所以叫做通用渲染(Universal Rendering)是因为客户端下载了服务端返回的整个html后,把本身已经在服务端跑过的js代码会在客户端再跑一遍

Making a static page interactive in the browser is called "Hydration"

Universal rendering allows a Nuxt application to provide quick page load times while preserving the benefits of client-side rendering. Furthermore, as the content is already present in the HTML document, crawlers can index it without overhead.

What you can build with Nuxt?

  • Websites
  • Web Applications (SPAs)
  • Static Site Generation (SSG)

file-system routing

通过F12 devtools的观察,初始页面pages-index.vue在服务端渲染后,客户端的vue-router就会开始takeover了,后续的路由切换都基于客户端浏览器了


实测,vscode 插件 Astro v2.14.0 开启时,会导致 nuxt 项目中的组件高亮、ts检查等功能混乱失效,可以在开发nuxt项目时先disable掉Astro插件

Released under the MIT License.